Alabama Governor Signs Bill To Prevent Individuals From Voting More Than Once In Same Election

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey has signed legislation making it illegal to vote in both Alabama and another state in the same election.

According to Alabama’s Yellowhammer News, state Rep. Chris Blackshear (R-Phenix City) introduced the bill, HB 167, and Senate Majority Leader Clay Scofield (R-Guntersville) brought it in the upper chamber.

The fact that the bill restricts an individual from voting more than once in the same election, Alabama state Rep. Berry Forte (D) claims the bill is “nothing but voter suppression” that targets African-American communities.

The bill guarantees “one person, one vote,” according to elected Republicans in Alabama.

Ivey met with Blackshear on Monday morning and signed the measure, which he outlined as “aimed to address voter fraud” in a tweet.

“In Alabama, I am committed to ensuring we have free, fair, and safe elections and am proud to sign this important bill into law,” Ivey said in a statement after the signing.

“Thank you to Rep. Chris Blackshear for his good work in the Legislature and for his help to further secure Alabama elections. Alabamians can be proud of Rep. Blackshear and feel even more confident in our elections,” Gov. Ivey continued.

“I will always work to protect the voices of the people of our great state,” she added.

According to Yellowhammer News, “Under existing state law, it is already illegal to vote more than once in Alabama in the same election; however, it was not a violation of state law — until now — for someone to vote in the state of Alabama even if they have voted in another state in the same election, such as a presidential election.”