#AlexandriaOcasioSmollet Trends Number One On Twitter After She Releases Misleading Video About Her Capitol Experience

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez posted a video to her Instagram detailing her experience during the January 6th Capitol riot and claimed to be hiding in Katie Porter’s office thinking she was going to die in the U.S. Capitol building.

The representative also claimed that Senator Ted Cruz almost had her murdered when he responded to a post she made agreeing with her statement.

According to Breaking911, AOC was not in the U.S Capitol building but was in her office located in the Cannon Building where rioters did not breach.


This reveal led to users on Twitter to criticize and call out AOC for lying about ‘nearly being assassinated’ and Jack Posobiec was another to fact check her.

The hashtag #AlexandriaOcasioSmollett became number 1 on Twitter’s trending section and Candace Owens mocked AOC by pointing out her other act of standing near a fence feeling sad for the immigrant children in cages.