“Anti-Racist” Author Who Charges $20,000 An Hour To Teach Companies Divisive Ideologies, Takes On NBA

Click here to watch: “Anti-Racist” Ibram X. Kendi Wants to Destroy the NBA

Ibram X. Kendi, author of “How to Be an Anti-Racist,” has become the left’s authority on race.

Now, he charges $20,000 an hour to teach companies his divisive ideology and tactics. He recently led an “Anti-Racist Teach-In” for the NBA. One big problem: If the NBA actually agrees with Kendi, it has no choice but to destroy itself.

Click here to watch: “Anti-Racist” Ibram X. Kendi Wants to Destroy the NBA

President of Color Us United, Kenny Xu wrote, “Ibram X. Kendi argues that one’s longing to turn to a raceblind society is actually incredibly racist. That’s the secret though: progressives don’t want to solve issues of racism. Instead, they want to capitalize on them, prolong the victim mentality, and prey on minorities.”

Click here to watch: “Anti-Racist” Ibram X. Kendi Wants to Destroy the NBA

I have a feeling Ibram X. Kendi will declare you a racist for disagreeing. This feeling is prompted by the fact that Ibram X. Kendi has never not done this,” Ben Shapiro wrote in response to an article screenshot by Kendi titled ‘There Is No Debate Over Critical Race Theory.’

Click here to watch: “Anti-Racist” Ibram X. Kendi Wants to Destroy the NBA

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