AOC Wants Taxpayers To Foot A $1.7 Trillion Wish List Item

Self-proclaimed Democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from New York, has urged supporters to pressure President Joe Biden to forgive $50,000 of student loan debt per borrower.

At a recent virtual town hall, Ocasio-Cortez mentioned Biden’s support for canceling up to $10,000 in student loan debt for individuals.

“I don’t think that that’s enough. We need to push him. I believe in full student loan debt cancellation. But we have to push him to at the bare minimum a floor of $50,000 that Sen. [Elizabeth] Warren and Sen. [Chuck] Schumer have also advanced. “Ocasio-Cortez said.

“$50,000, I believe, would cancel about 80% of the student loan debt in the country. I believe in higher thresholds because, frankly, I believe that our doctors and our lawyers and folks that have been in legal professions, academia, professors, etc., I believe that they should also be eligible for — to have their student loan debt cancelled. And so I think that that’s something that’s extraordinarily important,” AOC continued.

Ocasio-remarks Cortez’s come as Democrats in Congress try to press Biden to eliminate $50,000 in student loan debt per borrower. Biden has previously indicated opposition to canceling so much student loan debt on a wide scale, preferring only to cancel up to $10,000 of student loan debt per borrower.

Despite Biden’s opposition to the $50,000 cancellation, several Democrats, including Senators Schumer and Warren, have urged the president to cancel this amount of student loan debt.

The Hill reported earlier this month that Schumer said, “Biden has the authority to cancel $50,000 of student debt per person with the flick of a pen. And [Sen.] Elizabeth Warren and I are leading the charge to get him to do it.”

Sen. Warren said in a statement from February, calling on the president to cancel $50,000 in student loan debt through executive action, “By cancelling up to $50,000 in federal student loan debt for borrowers, President Biden can take the single most effective executive action available to provide a massive stimulus to our economy, help narrow the racial wealth gap, and lift this impossible burden off of tens of millions of families.”

AOC has made some similar remarks before for Biden to cancel student loan debt.

During an Instagram Q&A in February, she posted, “The Biden admin NEEDS to be pushed…They have said they’re comfortable with $10K in forgiveness but we NEED at least $50K minimum and there is support for $50K.”

“We cannot take no for an answer. This will all come down to public pressure. We have a window to ORGANIZE and rally for your public officials to demand forgiveness.” Ocasio-Cortez stated during the Q&A