Back The Blue Campaigners Get Council Members To Re-Evaluate Budget To Support Police
After hearing concerns, members of the Champaign City Council agreed to re-evaluate the budget.
Back the Blue campaigners crowded an Illinois city council meeting to insist that police officers be given greater support.
“The way [police] have been talked to, [city officials] don’t stop that,” Matt Stuckey, a member of Back the Blue in Champaign County, said.
“You have certain city council members that have asked for defunding the police, but now they come out after the murder of Officer Chris Oberheim, they say they support the police, and I think it’s an absolute slap in the face,” Stuckey added.
Hundreds of people attended the council meeting, with dozens more waiting in line to express their frustration. They essentially desired that the council show respect for and support for the police department.
According to News Channel 20, residents claim that the city’s lack of assistance has worsened an already significant gun violence problem.
“What’s been happening in the last year is just breaking my heart,” said Jon Rector, a Champaign resident.
“Got a lot of friends out here tonight and we just need to get the attention of some people. We’ve got to take care of this problem with the kids and the shootings. It’s just bad,” Rector added.
WCIA stated that many officer wives talked of the fear they experience when their husbands are on patrol every day.
Speakers requested that council members go on ride-alongs with cops to witness the risks they face.
Others think the city should address the problems that contribute to young people using firearms and committing acts of violence.
“Part of the system is broken right now and it can’t be fixed in DC; we need to fix it here in Champaign-Urbana,” Rector said.
Members of the council listened to all of the concerns and agreed to re-evaluate the budget in order to make communities safer.