Based On A Banned Book, A 1998 Film Echoes What Americans Continue To Experience Today

An out-of-circulation film from NBC echoes what American society is becoming, a segregated society ruled by a “rational, scientifically enlightened government.”

Brave New World (1998) is based on the 1932 novel of the same name. The sci-fi film features a society divided by groups based on intelligence and uses the Greek alphabet to categorize people into Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons. Based on one’s categorization, people are assorted into predetermined careers.

From childhood, people are “conditioned” to accept their roles through sleep hypnosis technology every night until they become acclimated to what the government decided their role should be.

Words such as “mother” and “father” are taboo due to society switching to using test tubes to grow babies. The use of such words is considered rude.

People who didn’t conform to modern society were left on “reservations” that the film producers made to look like trailer parks.

The film also features a pharmaceutical drug called Soma and is designed to induce a euphoric high.

A 2020 version, which was made into a television series, expanded on the 1998’s version of big government. In the 2020 version, the concept of privacy and history were banned. It was canceled after one season.

The book version has repeatedly been “canceled” multiple times in history, even before “cancel culture” began.

Since its first publication, Brave New World has been repeatedly banned and contested. Since the American Library Association began compiling the list in 1990, it has appeared in the top 100 banned and challenged books of the decade.

Watch the 1998 Brave New World Trailer promo:


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Steeve Strange

Steeve is the CEO & Co-Founder of The Scoop.