Biden Announces He’s Raising Refugee Limit To 125,000
Biden announced he will be signing an executive order that will raise the refugee limit to 125,00 persons into the United States.
Biden said there is a crisis of over 80 million displaced people suffering all around the world and believes restoring the refugee admissions program will ‘help meet the ‘unprecedented global need’ and will take time to ‘rebuild what has been so badly damaged’
Back in October, the Trump Administration set the refugee cap at 15,000 which was considered a new historic low and according to CNN. “The proposed 2021 cap was denounced by humanitarian organizations and Democratic lawmakers.”
Raising the refugee limit does raise some questions whether it will actually help with the crisis of people suffering outside of the United States.
If you want to watch an interesting presentation if immigration really helps those in crisis, do check out “Immigration and World Poverty Explained with GUMBALLS – Does Immigration Really Help The Poor?” Roy Beck presented this in 1996 and has been one of the most viewed policy presentations on the internet.