Biden: Black Entrepreneurs Just As Capable As Whites ‘But They Don’t Have Lawyers’ Or ‘Accountants’

President Joe Biden came under fire over his comments about African-American entrepreneurs when he claimed that they are “just as capable” as their white counterparts  but they don’t have lawyers or accountants.

In a speech he made in Tulsa, Oklahoma the Democrat president touched on race-related issues as he marked the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre that took place in 1921.

“Just imagine, if instead of denying millions of entrepreneurs the ability to access capital and contracting, we made it possible to take their dreams to the marketplace to create jobs and invest in our communities,” Biden said. 

“The data shows young Black entrepreneurs are just as capable of succeeding given the chance as White entrepreneurs are, but they don’t have lawyers. They don’t have accountants, but they have great ideas,” he added.

“Does anyone doubt this whole nation would be better off from the investments those people make? And I promise you, that’s why I set up the National Small Business Administration that’s much broader, because they’re going to get those loans.”

Biden blasted over ‘racist comment’

But instead of placating black Americans, his comments drew ire on social media —  with many accusing the president of racism

“Why is it that every time he speaks about the black community he makes us seem incapable of the simplest tasks? Whether it’s getting an ID card, using the internet to make an appointment or now this,” former army combat veteran Jeffery A. Dove Jr. wrote.

“How is this not a racist comment?” Senior Political Analyst, Brit Hume commented.

Ricochet Editor-in-chief Jon Gabriel said: “This just in: Young Black entrepreneurs have lawyers and accountants.”

“Biden & his bigotry of low expectations…blacks can’t get ID to vote or use computers to book vaccine appointments or hire accountants when in business,” another Twitter user Rita Panahi said.


Rasmussen Reports wrote:  “Imagine if a black woman had millions of viewers on Facebook, built up over many years of diligent work, and overnight Facebook demonetized her videos, destroying all she had built, apparently only because she was a Conservative. Government should prohibit this, but it doesn’t.”

“I’m black and I know exactly where to get lawyers and accountants, you racist,” another user, Lavern Spicer wrote.

“The President of the United States doesn’t think black entrepreneurs have lawyers or accountants, which seems like some of that ‘soft bigotry of low expectations’ that’s the Democrats’ favorite kind of racism,” managing editor Spencer Brown said.

Chris Krok commented: “Is this really what Joe thinks of African Americans??”

Mark Walker said: “Intentionality, incompetence, or ignorance… take your pick.”

Dave Rubin added: “According to Joe Biden black people don’t know how to get an ID, hire a lawyer or find an accountant…and if they don’t vote for him they ain’t black. But yea, Republicans are the real racists.” 

Steeve Strange

Steeve is the CEO & Co-Founder of The Scoop.