Biden Uses Word Considered To Be Racially Derogatory Towards Black Adviser During FEMA Briefing On Hurricane Ida

On Monday, Joe Biden called a Black adviser “boy” during a Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) briefing on Monday to discuss the ongoing challenge of Hurricane Ida.

Biden uttered the charged term while introducing his senior adviser Cedric Richmond, a former Louisiana congressman. Richmond is a 47-year-old Black American.

“I’m here with my senior adviser and boy who knows Louisiana very, very well and New Orleans, Cedric Richmond,” Biden said at a press briefing. “You all know him. He’s a New Orleans native… He knows the people, and he — who have been affected by Ida. And he knows how to get things done in government.

“Boy” is considered to be a racially derogatory term toward Black men and was commonly used by Democrat slave owners in the Civil War era.

During his 2020 presidential campaign, Trump was chastised for using the phrase when he remembered how segregationist Democrat Sen. James O. Eastland referred to him as “son” but never “boy.”

During his presidential campaign, Biden was also accused of making a racist statement when he famously said that if a Black person did not vote Democrat, they “ain’t black.”

“While JaRon Smith was 38 years old when he was in a similar role for President Trump I can assure he was not called a ‘boy’ by President Trump,” Paris Dennard, a GOP national spokesperson, wrote on Twitter. “Joe Biden just continues to insult Black men openly and in public because he doesn’t care.”


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Steeve Strange

Steeve is the CEO & Co-Founder of The Scoop.