Canada’s Gender Minister On Calling The Taliban ‘Our Brothers’: It Was A ‘Cultural Reference’

Canadian Minister for Gender Equality Maryam Monsef referred to the Taliban as “our brothers” during a press conference while providing updates on the Taliban Insurrection situation in Afghanistan.

Monsef is of Afghan descent. In 2017, she made a $255,300 salary off of Canadian taxpayers.

She told conference listeners: “I want to take this opportunity to speak to our brothers the Taliban; we call on you to ensure the safe and secure passage of any individual in Afghanistan out of the country. We call on you to immediately stop the violence, the genocide, the femicide, the destruction of infrastructure, including heritage buildings.”

She continued: “We call on your to return immediately to the peacekeeping table, to the peace deal that was negotiated, and to ensure women and minorities voices are a part of that discussion in a meaningful way.”

“The Taliban are a terrorist group and yet they claim to be Muslims,” she said. “The reference to brothers is a cultural reference of course but let me be very clear, we do not support the Taliban, we are horrified the hard-won gains of the past 20 years are at stake.”

The announcement comes just one day after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s stance on the Taliban shifted. While Trudeau first stated that Canada had no plans to recognize the Taliban, he later stated that the terror group would have to meet specific requirements in order to be acknowledged at an international level.


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Steeve Strange

Steeve is the CEO & Co-Founder of The Scoop.