Claims Of Blue Pens Being Used By Counters At Arizona Election Audit Is Exposed

The media has been reporting on the claims made by one reporter from The Arizona Republic who “spotted blue pens near ballots,” as reported by NBC News. Test ballots were on the floor when the blue pens were out according to the reporter who first alleged blue pens being used during the audit by counters

Election officials say to use red or green pens to make sure the ink does not spoil or change a vote because of the ballot-counting machine being able to read blue or black ink.

Blue-Ink Pens Rumor

CBS News claimed that election experts are “troubled by the way ballots are being handled during the audit.”

Many have been set up to believe that workers were, “equipped with blue-ink pens, which are prohibited by the Arizona election procedures manual during hand counts because marks on the ballots would be indistinguishable from a voter’s marks.”

“The blue pens were switched out for green pens before any real ballots were taken out of the boxes.,” CBS also reported citing AZ Central’s report.

AZ Central pushed news headlines “Blue ink, black ink, red ink: Why ink color matters when handling Arizona ballots” as an attempt to make people believe Cyber Ninjas were trying to use blue pens.

AZ Central went off a reporters first claims to push the blue ink pen allegations where Jen Fifield had posted to Twitter on April 23, 2021, “I noticed the counters had blue pens. Supposed to only have red when you’re around ballots since ballots can read black and blue ink. Those blue pens the counters have could potentially be used to mark the ballots. I pointed this out to Doug Logan with Cyber Ninjas…”

Later that day “reporter” Jen Fifield ended up giving an update to the blue pens claim, “One quick update. They switched to green and red pens before the actual real ballots were out on the floor.”

The day after her ‘quick update’, Fifield also tweeted, “I want to also try to correct some rumors on the blue pens.”

“The blue pens were removed from the floor before any real ballots were on the floor. When I tweeted, only test ballots were on the floor,” her post continued.