CNN’s Chris Cuomo: ‘White People’s Kids’ Need To ‘Start Getting Killed’ For Police Reform To Happen
CNN host Chris Cuomo made a bizarre comment recently on police shootings where suspects allegedly did not comply with law enforcement or simply attempted to run.
The left-leaning host of “Cuomo Prime Time,” who also claimed last month to be a “black [man] on the inside,” said gun laws and the police reform being pushed by some sectors in the country will not happen until “white people’s kids start getting killed.”
In a lengthy monologue, he attempted to explain what he deemed as the answer on gun and police reform.
“‘What is going on with these police? Maybe we shouldn’t even have police!’ That kind of mania, that kind of madness, that’ll be you. That’ll be the majority, because it’s your people,” Cuomo said on Friday in response to the fatal shooting of Daunte Wright.
“See, now Black people start getting all guns, forming militias, protecting themselves? ‘Can’t trust Deep State!’ Whoo-whoo! You’ll see a wave of change, in access and accountability. We saw it in the 60s. That’s when it changes, because that’s when it’s you.”
Police reform comes when ‘white people kids start getting killed’ say Chris Cuomo
— (@VideoMixtape_) April 18, 2021
“And you know what the answer is. You really do. You don’t like it. I don’t like it. It scares me. Shootings, gun laws, access to weapons? Oh, I know when they’ll change,” Cuomo said.
“Your kids start getting killed. White people’s kids start getting killed. Smoking that doobie that’s actually legal, probably in your state now, but they don’t know what it was, and then the kid runs, and then ‘Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!’ Cop was justified.”
“How many more?” he asked. “Die of the pandemic, dying from police shootings. George Floyd, Daunte Wright. I wonder if you’ll remember their names six months from now because they’ll be replaced by so many others.”
His comments came after Wright, a black man, was shot by police in Minnesota after he reportedly attempted to run from law enforcement who pulled him over for expired license plate tags.
The 20-year-old Wright was said to have a warrant out for his arrest for running from police and for a weapons charge.
The traffic stop turned deadly when Kim Potter, who was meant to deploy her taser instead of her gun — fatally shot Wright in his car, according to then-Brooklyn Center Police Chief Tim Gannon.
Both Potter and Gannon resigned two days after the incident, and later on, the 48-year-old Potter, has since been charged with second-degree manslaughter.
Following his comments, some took their sentiments to social media — and slammed Cuomo’s suggestion.
What a race-baiting moron. Chris Cuomo: Police reform comes when “white people’s kids start getting killed”. They ARE getting killed. There just aren’t riots every time. And what about cops getting killed? No riots there either.
— Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine) April 18, 2021
“What a race-baiting moron. Chris Cuomo: Police reform comes when “white people’s kids start getting killed”. They ARE getting killed. There just aren’t riots every time. And what about cops getting killed? No riots there either,” journalist Miranda Devine wrote on Twitter.
Chris Cuomo is one of the dumber TV partisans. Here he dramatically attempts to explain what it'll take for white people to back radical police reforms he likes: more white kids must be shot by police (though CNN often ignores stories they can't turn into stories about racism).
— (((Jason Rantz))) on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) April 18, 2021
Radio host Jason Rantz also blasted Cuomo’s remarks and pointed out that white kids, contrary to what the CNN host noted, are also getting killed — although hardly afforded any coverage from the mainstream media.
They do, the media just won't cover it. Regardless of the color of skin, death is tragic. Im sick of the narrative it only happens to a select group of people.
— Sharon (@SharonSchreit13) April 19, 2021
“Chris Cuomo is one of the dumber TV partisans. Here he dramatically attempts to explain what it’ll take for white people to back radical police reforms he likes: more white kids must be shot by police (though CNN often ignores stories they can’t turn into stories about racism),” he said.