CRINGE: Greta Thunberg Sings Rick Astley Song To A Very Cultic Audience At Climate Change Concert (VIDEO)

So this is how Leftists have fun, they gather together (most likely travel by plane), and worship a child who runs around screaming at western countries for their emissions, meanwhile ignoring the worst polluters (China and India). This performance shows you just how much of a cult this whole “Climate Change” activism has turned into.

With her rendition of Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up,” Global Warming extremist Greta Thunberg kicked off a global series of concerts to raise awareness about climate change on Saturday.

The hit song was performed live on stage in Stockholm by the Swedish climate activist, who was joined by Fridays for Future’s Andreas Magnusson, who was also in attendance.

She had previously participated in the internet phenomena known as ‘rick-rolling,’ in which she claimed to have tweeted a link to a new speech, but in fact had tweeted a link to the music video for the song in question.

A series of 19 global concerts called Climate Live 2021 will take place over the course of 19 days in November and will aim to raise awareness and put pressure on world leaders in advance of COP26, the United Nations Climate Change Conference, which will be held at the Glasgow Science Centre in November.