Demand The House Of Representatives To Bring ‘Born-Alive Protection Act’ To A Vote (AD)

Congress is considering a bill that would require medical professionals to treat a baby who survives an abortion with the same level of life-sustaining care they would provide to a child born prematurely.

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The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (H.R. 619) is common-sense legislation that would require appropriate medical care to be given to any child who survived a botched abortion. President Trump supported this effort and now it’s time for Republicans in the House to
put it into law.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi refuses to bring the Born-Alive Act to the House floor. But Republicans can use a mechanism called a “discharge petition” to force a vote on The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.

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Next week, the U.S. House of Representatives has the opportunity to take a bold stand for life.

Representatives will have a chance to sign a discharge petition to force pro-abortion Nancy Pelosi to allow the House to vote on H.R. 619, the pro-life Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.

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Nancy Pelosi is trying to block this critical piece of legislation from coming to the House floor!

This positive bill would require an abortionist to treat a baby who survives an abortion with the same level of life-sustaining care they would provide to a child born prematurely.

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According to estimates from the pro-choice Guttmacher Institute, each year about 12,000 abortions take place after viability, when a child can live outside his or her mother’s womb. This means there are more post-viability abortions each year than gun homicides, according to the
most recent FBI estimates!

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Allowing barbaric, late-term abortions that cause great pain to the preborn is an act of cruelty that liberals would condemn if animals were involved. It’s even more horrifying as increasingly viable infants are the target after 5 months of pregnancy.

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Requiring that newborns get the same kind of medical care wherever they enter the world is the least society can do for our most vulnerable citizens. Politicians who say that an infant should be left to die support infanticide and are unfit for public office.