First Asian Giant Hornet Nest Eradicated In Washington, Officials Ask For Sighting Reports

According to officials, the first Asian giant hornet nest of 2021 has been eradicated in Washington.

The Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) discovered the nest under the base of a dead alder tree in rural Whatcom County on Wednesday.

According to the WSDA, the nest comprised nine layers of comb and about 1500 hornets at various stages of development. 113 worker hornets were sucked from the nest, and 67 more hornets were caught with nets in the neighborhood.

Asian giant hornets are nicknamed “murder hornets” because they enter a “slaughter phase,” where they kill bees by decapitating them, according to animal experts.

“While we are glad to have found and eradicated this nest so early in the season, this detection proves how important public reporting continues to be,” Sven Spichiger, WSDA managing entomologist said.

“We expect there are more nests out there and, like this one, we hope to find them before they can produce new queens. Your report may be the one that leads us to a nest.”

WSDA confirmed that it will send a part of the tree with the nest to Washington State University for further research.

According to the USDA, Asian Giant hornets are the largest hornets in the world and can grow to be up to two inches long. They have a tendency to prey on honeybees, which are essential for agricultural pollination. A partial USDA list of foods pollinated by bees includes apples, melons, cranberries, pumpkins, squash, broccoli, and almonds.

The WSDA stated that they can destroy beehives in a matter of hours.

According to the USDA, the hornet is deemed invasive in the United States and was first discovered in August 2019 on Vancouver Island, Canada. It has subsequently been discovered in the far northwest corner of Washington state.

If you see any of these hornets, it is strongly recommended to report your findings to the WSDA on their website.


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Steeve Strange

Steeve is the CEO & Co-Founder of The Scoop.