FLASHBACK: Under Orders Of Tim Walz, Police ‘Light ‘em Up!’ – Paintballs Fired at Minneapolis Residents on Their Own Porches (VIDEO)
As the nation braces itself for the 2024 election, it’s critical to take a hard look at the past actions of those who are now seeking to step into the highest offices in our land. One such individual is Minnesota’s Governor Tim Walz, who has been tapped as the Democrat Vice Presidential nominee. But before voters cast their ballots, they need to be reminded of what Walz did during one of Minnesota’s darkest hours back in May 2020.
In a chilling moment that should give every American pause, footage emerged of Minneapolis residents being targeted by police and National Guard forces while standing peacefully on their own porches. The city was under curfew following the unrest sparked by the tragic death of George Floyd, but what happened next was nothing short of an assault on the freedoms of law-abiding citizens.
As curfew struck, police officers, alongside the Minnesota National Guard, patrolled the streets of Minneapolis. In a video that quickly went viral, officers can be seen ordering residents to go inside their homes. But when these Americans, standing on their own property, didn’t move quickly enough, the command came down: “Light ‘em up!” And with that, paintballs were fired at innocent civilians, sending them scrambling for cover.
Let that sink in — under Tim Walz’s watch, armed forces were directed to fire on Minnesotans who were simply standing on their porches. This wasn’t in a war zone; this was in an American city, and the people being targeted were not rioters, not looters, but regular citizens.
Governor Walz, in his capacity as the state’s highest authority, didn’t just allow this to happen — he escalated the situation. In response to the unrest, Walz ordered the deployment of nearly 11,000 National Guard members to Minneapolis. This dramatic increase in force did little to quell the violence in the streets but instead resulted in scenes like the one described above, where the power of the state was turned against its own people.
This is the same Tim Walz who now wants to take his brand of leadership to the White House as the Vice President of the United States. If this is how he manages a crisis in his own state, what should Americans expect if he’s given the reins of the entire country? Walz’s actions in May 2020 should serve as a stark warning to voters. His readiness to unleash the full might of the state on ordinary citizens is a clear indicator of the heavy-handed governance we could see under a Walz administration.
As we look back on that night in Minneapolis, we should all be asking ourselves: Is this the kind of leadership we want in the White House? The voters deserve to know the truth about Tim Walz’s record, and they need to think carefully about the future of our nation before making their decision this November.