Former Woke Artist Speaks Out Against “Anti-Racism,” ‘Hatred Cannot Be Diffused With More Hatred’

Kimi Katiti is an artist and musician from California who empowers young women through art and skateboarding. Her family moved from Uganda to the United States in 2013, where she was known as a top gospel artist.

Katiti posted to YouTube and Instagram to express how much she cannot stand the so-called “Antiracism.”

“Teaching people to go out and discriminate in order to change the discrimination, you’re literally just setting the world ablaze for your own profit, for your own dollars. And, you know, people respond to this appeal to emotion. You know that. And you know that they’re going to want to share it because it makes them angry,” Katiti stated.

Katiti is working breaking the stereotype of getting more black women into skateboarding and by going into that space without hatred.

“I want to say, for those who really care about stopping racism or at least about making its effects not as detrimental, you have to go into an atmosphere of racism with the intention to diffuse the hatred. Hatred cannot be diffused with more hatred. At the end of the day, we have this deep-seated in our hearts that we need to love and respect one another, and people who are making it seem like love and respect hasn’t worked, they are deceiving you,” Katiti continued.

Katiti called out those who are being deceived buying into books like “This Book is Antiracist,” “How to be Anti-racist,” or “White Fragility.”

“Do you really want to empower black people? Please stop telling us that we need to be more hateful. Please stop telling us that we need to just look at ourselves as the weakest beings on Earth. You know, more than anything. Telling someone that they’re weak only makes them more stuck in their position. Telling someone that they’re just oppressed. And that’s just a permanent state of flux and tension forever. It’s going to make someone hopeless and give up on any struggle of any sort,” Katiti also said.

And most of you, you fall for this books like “White Fragility” because you know that you wrote the N-word on someone’s locker when you were in ninth grade. Let’s be real. You’ve seen the outcome time and time again, 100 million people have died in 100 years. [Communist] iterations never work. And what I’m not going to allow you to use my skin color for your revolution when I didn’t sign up for that. So stop it. Like, just don’t do that. OK? We need to empower people,” Katiti continued.

“We need to use scientific methods that have shown to diffuse even the leaders of the KKK. If you really want to stop people from becoming really white supremacists, you need to stop with this discrimination nonsense. And some of you have organizations and you just love their money that they’re going to give you if you start implementing all that DEI [Diversity, Equity, Inclusion] stuff. You need to have a spine, have a backbone and say no, because you care about humanity for crying out loud. This is stupid,” Katiti concluded.