Leftists Triggered Over Trump’s Animatronic Statue Staying At ‘Hall Of Presidents’ Disney World Attraction

Despite leftist outrage, Disney World has announced that its President Donald Trump animatronic figure would stay in its Hall of Presidents show in Florida.

Since 1971, the Hall of Presidents has included animated statues of America’s presidents, with each newly elected president being added shortly after their election. When Joe Biden was elected to the White House, the attraction was closed for a retooling, and it is now set to reopen with a new Biden figure.

Since Trump’s election in 2016, however, liberals have launched a barrage of assaults on the Trump animatronic, demanding that Disney remove the Trump figure from the show. An anti-Trump demonstrator heckled the Trump animatronic in December 2017.

Despite the campaign’s efforts, Disney has decided to keep the Trump figure among the presidents.

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The Disney Parks Blog reported on Tuesday that the Hall is getting ready for its next addition.

The Disney blog stated that “For the past few months, work has been underway to add President Joe Biden to the stage as the 46th President of the United States.”

Also with the announcement from the blog, it continued to add that Trump will still be part of the show.

The blog continued: “And for those who are curious about what happens to presidents at The Hall of Presidents after their term has ended, the Audio-Animatronics figure of former President Donald J. Trump will take its place on stage among those who have previously served.”

The attraction is scheduled to reopen next month, with the new Biden animatronic featured.

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