More Footage Exposes How Biden’s Border Crisis Is Out Of Control, This Is What Trump Warned About

Trump Knew What Would Happen

Border patrol found a scared little boy who was lost in the Texas desert and told them that he was abandoned by a group he was with. The unaccompanied minor approached the agent asking for help and said the group left him alone.

The boy was asked if they abandoned him with no money and if he was told to ask for help.

“No. I came because I don’t know where else to go?” the boy told the border patrol agent.

The Biden administration’s neglect of the border has resulted in a disturbing phenomenon of abandoned children left at the border.

Border patrol agent, Oscar Escamilla explained how children are brought into the country by smugglers and also shared a story of a girl who sexually assaulted by a gang on her way to the border.

Escamilla stated, “About a month and a half ago, I was back here talking to one of the little girls, you know, and I told the congressional delegation the same thing, right. We were going to send her to the hospital. And as I got closer, I noticed that she couldn’t speak. And I asked the medical staff what happened. And she’s the reason she was going to the hospital because she had gotten gang-raped. And the reason that she couldn’t speak was because she had lost her voice in the process while she was getting raped. Those things hit hard.”

Escamilla explained how many of these kids are crossing the border alone and the parents will pay a fee to the smuggler. It is either a cartel member or smuggler who will bring the migrant kids over, take them near a river, hand them over in a raft and tell them that once they get to the other side, there will be an officer who will take them in.

Some kids have no idea of where they intend to go based on stories Escamilla shared. Some kids don’t have their parents and Escamilla pointed to one little girl he talked to recently.

She said that she had lost her mom and that she doesn’t have a father. So she’s coming into this country because her uncle is going to be the sponsor. So they want to take this-. This little girl is going into the States. And I asked her, what state are you going to? What’s your final destination? She said, I don’t know. All I know is that it snows there. That’s all I know,” Escamilla said.

Former President Trump Warned About This

Under the Biden admin, the border crossings increased by 200% from January 2020 [under Trump] to January 2021 [under Biden]. There are now over 13,000 unaccompanied minors being held in max-capacity immigrant facilities.

Former President Trump warned about human-trafficking “coyotes” during his debate with now President Biden.

“A lot of these kids come out without the parents, they come over through cartels and through coyotes and through gangs,” Trump stated.

A chilling video has made rounds showing how smugglers are careless dropping kids off the border wall just to get kids into the country.

El Paso Sector Chief Border Patrol Gloria Chavez responded to the video, “There’s rocks everywhere. It is dry. It is not stable. The terrain is not stable. So when I saw that first child drop and not move for a few seconds, I got really worried. Then to see him do a second child and drop them north of that barrier, I was just appalled.”

Another group of unaccompanied migrants were intercepted by CPB who told the agent that they came from far beyond Mexico.

Four children traveled from Honduras and Belize to come to the United States. Two 12-year-old girls, one girl was 14-years-old and one 9-year-old boy.

The 12-year-old from Belize spoke English very well and never visited the United States but learned the language in Belize. The children were asked about their parents and the child from Belize said her father is in Houston, Texas. The other children from Honduras said their parents are still in the country.

Deputy Chief Raul Ortiz expressed his concerns about those who are immigrating to the country and border patrol agents.

Chief Ortiz said, “Also concerned about the inclement weather that not just the migrant population’s going to encounter and they’re not prepared for and that those dangers that the smugglers are going to leave them in. But I’m also worried about our workforce and our agents, and I want to make sure that they are prepared to address these issues.”