More Than 9,000 Retired Army Medical Personnel Respond To Call For Assistance With Coronavirus Pandemic

The American military response to the coronavirus pandemic has been absolutely incredible, and the United States Army continues to deliver. The Army is now calling for retired personnel to step up to the plate.

The coronavirus pandemic has stretched the nation’s medical capacity to the limit. Now that COVID-19 assistance has become imperative, nearly 10,000 retired soldiers have been asked to support various Army field hospitals.

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The nation’s military medical treatment facilities need all of the help that they can get. Many staff members have been deployed to various field hospitals instead, leaving a wide range of vacancies.

The Army recently sent a notification to roughly 800,000 retired medical personnel in hopes that they would return to volunteer to help at Army field hospitals in Seattle and New York.

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James McConville, Army Chief of Staff General, referred to the initial response as being “very, very positive”. Army Surgeon General Scott Dingle also addressed the outpouring of support saying that he believes this group of retired medical personnel will be quite valuable for filling in the current holes. 

Dingle also offered a detailed explanation of how the process is going to unfold. The volunteers are going to let the Army know if they are willing to help. From there, they will be walked through the necessary steps of the certification process. Once all of their credentials and certifications have been handled, they can be plugged into the medical facilities in question.

The Army is uniquely qualified to handle issues of this nature and its response to the pandemic allows Americans to hold their heads up high. The assistance that they are offering is 100 percent voluntary and is designed to provide help with future planning.