Mount Rushmore Coffee Company Quickly Gains Support From Conservatives Who Are Ditching Liberal Starbucks
(Note: Thank you for your support for American businesses like the one below sponsoring The Scoop)
Are you a coffee-lover who is tired of supporting woke anti-American companies like Starbucks?
I am, too.
That’s why I’m proud to support Mount Rushmore Coffee Company.
Like millions of Americans, I drank Starbucks coffee for years. I even ordered their coffee online with a subscription to make sure that I would have coffee delivered to my home every month.
But two things that they did over the last few years really left a bad taste in my mouth.
First, in January 2017, right after President Trump was sworn into office, Starbucks announced that they would be hiring 10,000 refugees. This decision was a direct protest against President Trump’s decision to implement a travel ban against 7 countries filled with radical Islamic terrorists.
You would think that Starbucks would commit to hiring our veterans who fought overseas to keep us safe before hiring refugees from countries that hate America. But nope.
The second thing that Starbucks did that caused me to officially never drink their coffee again happened in 2020 after the George Floyd riots. Starbucks publicly expressed its support for the Marxist Anti-American hate group known as “Black Lives Matter.” Starbucks provided 250,000 Starbucks-branded Black Lives Matter t-shirts for their employees to wear.
When I heard that Starbucks was supporting this radical hate group, I immediately threw out all the Starbucks coffee I had in my home and began looking for a different coffee company that supports my pro-America values.
That’s when I found out about Mount Rushmore Coffee Company.
Unlike Starbucks who supports BLM, Mount Rushmore Coffee Company was founded in direct opposition to the violence and destruction of American monuments and statues that BLM supporters carried out in summer 2020.
This coffee company is unapologetically pro-America, pro-Founding Fathers, and celebrates America’s history.
Each one of Mount Rushmore Coffee Company’s coffee roasts is named after an American icon or an important piece of American history.
For example, the company’s Christmas blend is named the ‘Ulysses S. Grant’s Christmas Blend,’ inspired by the little-known fact that President Ulysses S. Grant made Christmas a federal holiday in the USA.
Other roasts include Benjamin Franklin’s Electric Espresso, Louisiana Purchase French Vanilla, Bald Eagle Freedom Roast, and Christopher Columbus’ Italian Roast.
Not only does Mount Rushmore Coffee Company share my values, but their coffee is by far the freshest and most delicious coffee I’ve ever tasted.
Their fresh roasted coffee is only available online at their website and is not sold in stores.
All their coffee is roasted to order on the same day it ships, guaranteeing you the freshest coffee available online.
The best part? All orders include 100% free shipping.
If you order today and use the discount code “LETSGOBRANDON” you’ll get an additional 20% off.
Simply click here to get started on making the switch to a pro-America coffee company.
God bless you and God bless America.