News Reporter Gets Caught Admitting Why He Wears A Mask While Recording Live
A reporter was approached by a man filming who questioned the need to wear a mask while on camera and the reporter claimed to have no political agenda.
The reporter was asked if he has to follow a script or is told what to do before going live but denied the allegations.
The reporter also attempted to end the conversation with the man while being told to put his mask back on before the virus is goin to get him.
“Why do you get to wear what? You didn’t have your mask on the whole time and now you’re putting your mask on,” the man told the reporter.
“This is the guy. He’s been standing here the whole time without his mask. Here’s his camera dude with no mask on. But here he is. Now, he’s still trying to scare everyone. He’s going to put his mask on while he reports. Keep spreading that fear, buddy. Keep spreading that fear. Why didn’t you have your mask on before now? Now he’s not talking to me. Why don’t you have your mask on the last ten minutes? Huh?” the man continued.
The reporter ended up admitting that the news station was asking them to wear masks for guidelines for television.
“Oh, so you’re told what to do? Exactly. You just told me you aren’t told what to do. You just tell me you can do whatever you want,” the man responded.
“We’re trying to follow and set a good example,” the reporter stated.
The man asked the reporter about a compilation video that shows thousands of newscasts in different cities saying the same exact thing.
“But there’s compilation videos on YouTube and Twitter. They got millions and millions of views where every reporter in every city, at every station, they say the exact same thing, word for word. How do you explain that?” the man asked.
The video the man referred to in the video about news anchors saying the same thing is posted below: