Petition Demands Biden Stop Sending Taxpayer Money To Fund Animal Torture Labs In Russia

A petition led by the White Coat Waste Project (WCW) has demanded that President Biden stop sending money to Russia for labs that torture kittens with experiments.

Sign the petition by clicking here.

In 2021 alone, the National Institutes of Health sent $550,000 to Putin’s state-run labs which perform vicious experiments on animals.

As the WCW reported, “In one ghoulish experiment, 18 healthy cats were “decerebrated,” then forced to walk on a treadmill. “Decerebration” is a procedure in which experimenters cut off a cat’s brain function while they are still alive. The cats are knocked out and their brain stems are severed, and sometimes, pieces of their brain are even removed.  The “zombie” cats then have electrodes implanted into their spines and are forced to walk on treadmills.”

A diagram describing the procedure was uncovered by the WCW researchers.

Sign this urgent petition to tell Biden to take ACTION and stop sending taxpayer money to Russia.

Click here to sign!

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