McEnany Ends Swalwell’s Whole Career: Spy Cozied Up To Him While He Instigated Russia Collusion Hoax
White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany calls out the media in last 24 hours for not covering certain news stories based on information coming forward.
Swalwell’s ties to Chinese spies did very much or any news coverage and Hunter Biden news headlines changed according to before and after the election.
Swalwell posted on his congressional webpage saying President Trump and his team were ‘directly and indirectly tied to Russia’ which was never true.
McEnany presented headlines from The Washington Post before the election ‘The truth behind the Hunter Biden non-scandel’ and after the election WP shared, ‘Hunter Biden tax probe examining Chinese business dealings’
McEnany responded to how headlines changed in reporting around the election, “really interesting turn of events and good for those who covered what a story all along and not Russia disinformation.”