Retired Navy Seal Shows Biden How To Give A Briefing: ‘If I Were President’


Jocko Willink shared a video of himself in a mock presidential address to social media with the caption, “If…If I were president, and I had put our country into the current situation in Afghanistan, I would tell America, our allies, our enemies, and the world, something like this…”

Willink’s simulated press briefing shows how Joe Biden should have addressed the aftermath of the Taliban takeover.

“As you know, we were set to leave Afghanistan this month, and as we begin the final drawdown, I made some critical errors. Namely, I underestimated the strength of the Taliban and I overestimated the strength and capability of the friendly Afghan forces. This was my fault. And due to my mistake, the Taliban has taken control of Afghanistan. There are reports now that ISIS and Al-Qaeda are working alongside them. Unfortunately, there are tens of thousands of Americans on the ground there, as well as friends and allies of America on the ground. And these people, Americans and our allies are all stranded. And that is my fault,” Willink opened with in his mock briefing.

Jocko Willink posted to his Instagram honoring the U.S. servicemen who were killed, “RIP to those 12 brave men.”


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Willink’s then outlined his next plan in what he would would do in the next 48 hours to get people out.

“But they will not be stranded for long. In the next 48 hours, America will be in control of most major airports in Afghanistan. Any resistance we meet from the Taliban or otherwise when we seize these airports will be destroyed completely and without mercy. From those airports, we will conduct rapid strike rescue missions until we have recovered and evacuated all our citizens, allies, and friends. Any person that interferes with these operations will be killed,” Willink added.

Willink’s simulation displayed what most Americans expect from a Commander In Chief during a foreign conflict.

“We will also recover or destroy all aircraft, vehicles, weapons, and sensitive equipment that we left behind. Any person utilizing, guarding, or located in close proximity to these weapons or equipment will be killed. Once we have evacuated all friendly personnel and recovered or destroyed the weapons and equipment left behind, we will depart Afghanistan. But we will continue to monitor everything that happens in Afghanistan through our ground and airborne surveillance equipment,” Willink stated.

“Terrorist training camps or activity will be targeted and destroyed. Gross violations of human rights will be stopped through overwhelming force. And any group in Afghanistan fighting for freedom, liberty, and basic human rights will be supported through special operations forces and ruthless precision airpower. We will continue that dedicated support until the enemy is no longer a threat to humanity or to the good people of Afghanistan. May God bless America. And may God have mercy on the souls of our enemy, because we will not. That is all,” Willink concluded.


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