SICKENING: Bernie Sanders Suggests Abortion Is Neccessary To Stop Global Warming (VIDEO)

Bernie Sanders just suggested abortion is necessary to stop climate change.

During CNN’s low-rated 7-hour town hall on climate change, Sanders was asked if he would support making population control part of his climate change agenda.

Sanders responded by saying “yes” and went on to explain why abortion and birth control are necessary components of his climate change agenda.

In his response, Sanders also said he wants to end the “Mexico City agreement” of 1984.  The Mexico City policy prohibits the United States from giving foreign aid to any organization that provides abortion or abortion related services.

Senator Sanders’ comments received massive blowback on social media.  Republican Congressman Steve Scalise, who was shot by a former Sanders campaign volunteer, blasted Sanders on twitter for his “horrifying” and “radical” views on abortion.

Republican Senator Ted Cruz compared sanders to the ‘Avengers’ villain Thanos, who kills half the population of the universe with a snap of his fingers.

Sanders isn’t the only Democrat who has made outrageous claims about climate change.  Senator Kamala harris said during CNN’s climate change town hall that she wants to “ban straws.” 

Steeve Strange

Steeve is the CEO & Co-Founder of The Scoop.