Demand Christian Healthcare Options Be Protected From Anti-Faith Regulators (AD)
Christian healthcare solutions like Health Care Sharing Ministries are under attack!
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Anti-faith state regulators and radical activists want to stop Christians from living out their beliefs.
These communities share medical costs as the Bible outlines in Acts 2:44-45: “All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.“
Millions of Christians across the country have chosen Christian healthcare options for their families, including living out a biblical vision for community by sharing the cost of medical bills.
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1.5 million Americans simply want to choose a healthcare option that matches their beliefs
We can’t let radical activists tell us how to live out our faith. Add your name today to the petition to protect Christian health care.
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These Christian communities have been faithfully operating for over 30 years. Their members, with shared beliefs, come together and make a monthly contribution to their community. Those funds are then shared with members who need to pay their medical bills and expenses.
But policy makers in many states are trying to stop them. In fact, just this month in Texas, there is legislation threatening to take away the healthcare choices of more than 150,000 Christian Texans.
Click here to demand Christian healthcare options be protected!
It comes down to choice. Americans should have a choice in their health care. Add your name to protect that choice for millions of Christians in America.
These Christian communities already meet federal definitions set by the federal government, but state lawmakers, extreme activists, and corporate interests are trying to bar them from operating, scared of both these communities’ faith foundation and their innovative solution for the future of health care.
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