Sign The Petition To Stand For Trump’s “Protect Life Rule”-Planned Parenthood Does Not Need Taxpayer Money! (AD)

They must be stopped! 

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Tell the Biden Administration to not give out tax dollars to Planned Parenthood!

Democrats are plotting to reverse a pro-life rule put in place by President Trump called the “Protect Life Rule”

This pro-life policy blocks federal funds from going to organizations that support abortions.

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The Biden Administration’s U.S. Dept. Health and Human Services (HHS) is about to open the floodgates to give taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry.

President Trump’s policy prohibits any entity that either performs abortions or promotes abortion as a tool for family planning from receiving Title X federal funding.

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In other words, if the Protect Life Rule rule is eliminated, it will pave the way for massive federal funding to the abortion industry.

Democrats are plotting to reverse the “Protect Life Rule” put in place by President Trump. Sign
your name now to stand up for LIFE!

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Planned Parenthood is a $2 BILLION business with a massive network of donors in Hollywood and Washington, D.C. Now, the Biden Administration wants to hand them MORE money!

The Protect Life Rule blocks federal funds from going to organizations that either perform abortions or promote abortion as a tool for family planning.

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It’s stopped Planned Parenthood alone from receiving nearly $60 million in taxpayer funds.

This government subsidization of abortion has no official legislative mandate. The relevant authorization lapsed in 1985, yet the funding has continued to the present day.

The Biden Administration has included language in its proposal demanding “equity” – meaning tax dollars will be focused on minority districts to subsidize abortionists.

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This scheme fulfilling the eugenic and racist goals of Planned Parenthood’s founder Margaret Sanger.

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Some states are now legalizing abortion even for infants born alive.

It is beyond cruel for the government to force taxpayers to defy their conscience and fund killing born-alive infants.

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