Sign The Pledge To Stand For Life, Support An End To Abortion & Defend Preborn Babies!
The destruction of little children in the womb should be unthinkable.
Live Action is dedicated to ending abortion and inspiring a culture that respects and defends life. Every day on average, over 2,363 preborn lives are lost to abortion.
This is a human rights injustice every single person should fight to stop.
Live Action is a leading national pro-life and human rights organization in America, with the largest following and influence online.
Joe Biden is set to immediately undo the Trump administration's protections for children in the womb.
We must fight for life harder than we ever have before.
— Live Action (@LiveAction) January 20, 2021
Those who commit abortions or distribute abortion pills can face jail time under the city’s new ordinance.
— Live Action (@LiveAction) June 2, 2021
Every day, 2,300 helpless children in the womb have their arms and legs torn off, skull crushed, poisoned to death, or receive lethal injections. In our communities.
The killing must stop and become unthinkable in our country and throughout the world. Sign this pledge to take a personal stand against this violence and to defend the preborn.