Speculation Grows That Hillary Clinton Positioning Herself To Run Again In 2024

Many are beginning to speculate that Hillary Clinton, 74, is planning to run for President in 2024.

Clinton issued a warning to Americans last week, suggesting that if former President Donald Trump were to run for president again, it would have catastrophic consequences for the United States of America.

When she appeared on the Today Show, she stated, “I think that could be the end of our democracy. Not to be too pointed about it, but I want people to understand that this is a make-or-break point.”

According to some, Clinton’s ongoing presence in the limelight— leftist networks continuing to air her practically every weekend — is an indication that she is gearing up for a presidential run. In addition, with Biden’s poll numbers plummeting — along with those of Vice President Kamala Harris, who recently had a 28 percent favorable rating in one poll — Clinton’s name recognition would once again place her at the top of the field.

On Sunday, Clinton stated that she attempted to warn Americans about Trump in 2016, when she was defeated by Trump, 306-232.

“I tried to warn people. I tried to make the case that this was really dangerous — the people he was allied with, what they were saying, what he might do,” she said. “Clearly, there were people who liked what they saw, despite what I see as the real dangers to our country. They turned out and voted for him.”

Clinton broke down in tears last week as she read, on-air, the victory speech she planned to deliver if she had defeated Trump in the 2016 presidential election. The mainstream media produced many stories on the sob scene.

As a potential result of the speculation that Hillary Clinton would run for president, the White House released a statement on Biden’s plans on Monday. According to Press Secretary Jen Psaki, during the daily briefing, “the president has every intention of running for reelection.”

In an interview with CNN, former Trump aide Jason Miller claimed that Clinton is aiming to “inject” herself into the 2024 presidential election.

“Miller, during a Thursday episode of Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast, suggested that Clinton was looking to position herself as potential Democratic contender to replace Biden,” Newsweek reported.

“His remarks came after the former senator and former secretary of state read what would have been her 2016 victory speech — if she had won — in an emotional segment of a MasterClass talk on the power of resilience.”

CEO of Gettr, Miller, said, “The fact of the matter is that Crooked [Hillary] is circling around Joe Biden almost like a buzzard looking at the carcass on the ground, saying, ‘It’s not going to be Joe Biden, it’s not going to be Kamala Harris. How can I go and insert myself into this national discussion and remind people that I’m still here?’”

Clinton made it clear in October that she has no intention of leaving the political scene. “I will never be out of the game of politics,” Clinton explained. “I’m not going to be running for anything…our democracy is at stake.”

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