Texas Republicans Call Mark Cuban ‘An Embarrassment’ To State, Pass ‘Star Spangled Banner Protection Act’

In February, NBA owner Mark Cuban directed the Dallas Mavericks to discontinue playing the national anthem before home games. As a result of the move, Texas Republicans introduced the “Star Spangled Banner Act,” which requires the anthem to be played before professional sports events in the state or clubs could lose financing and business relationships with the state.

The bill passed last week and is now on its way to Republican Governor Greg Abbott’s desk for his signature.

According to Tim Cato, the journalist who broke the story for The Athletic, the Mavericks’ anthem blockade, which lasted 13 games (including a few pre-season games), was “the first instance we know of a pro sports team striking the U. S. anthem from the pre-game.”

Cuban assured Cato that he was the one who chose the Mavs should not play the national anthem.

“None of 13 preseason and regular-season games played at the American Airlines Center this season have featured the anthem before the game, including Monday’s game against the Minnesota Timberwolves, the first played this season with a limited amount of fans in attendance,” Cato reported in February.

“The Mavericks did not publicize the anthem’s removal, and The Athletic was the first media organization to reach out about the change after noticing its absence on Monday. Multiple team employees described only noticing the anthem’s removal on their own, as it was also not announced or explained internally,” Cato continued.

As a result, NBA Chief Communications Officer Mike Bass released a statement insisting that all teams play the national anthem.

According to NBC News from the statement, “With NBA teams now in the process of welcoming fans back into their arenas, all teams will play the national anthem in keeping with longstanding league policy.”

According to ABC 13, Republican Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick “made the bill one of his legislative priorities,” reported to the Texas Tribune.

“[Mark Cuban,] your decision to cancel our National Anthem at [Dallas Mavericks] games is a slap in the face to every American & an embarrassment to Texas. Sell the franchise & some Texas Patriots will buy it. We ARE the land of free & the home of the brave.” Patrick responded in February.

“During Monday’s debate on the House floor, opponents questioned the constitutionality of a law that they said ties funding to free speech by threatening negative action against sports teams that choose to express their opinions by declining to play the anthem,” ABC 13 noted.

According to the report, the legislation’s backer, Republican Rep. Dustin Burrows, “said the bill does not violate free speech because teams can still choose not to play the anthem and forgo the funding and business relationship with the state.”