Transgender Man Rips On Nurse That Misgendered “Him” After Giving Birth
After giving birth to a baby in a Los Angeles hospital, a biological female who identifies as a transgender man was furious when “he” was referred to as a mother by hospital staff. According to a report published in the New York Post, the transgender man wanted medical professionals to be aware that not everyone who gives birth is comfortable being referred to as a “mother.”
A healthy baby boy was born to Bennett Kaspar-Williams, 37, who resides in Los Angeles and wears a beard. Bennett Kaspar-Williams and his husband Malik welcomed the child in October 2020. According to the Daily Mail, Williams’ misgendering by medical personnel, who insisted on referring to him as a “mom,” was more troubling than the actual delivery of his child.
Despite giving birth to the child, Williams desired to be acknowledged as the child’s father. Williams, who began “transitioning” in 2014 said, “No one can ever really know whether having children is possible until you try — being born with a uterus doesn’t make conceiving or carrying a certainty. That’s why it’s so important that we stop defining ‘womanhood’ in terms of ‘motherhood’ because it’s a false equivalency that all women can become mothers, that all mothers carry their children, or that all people who carry children are mothers.”
Williams began to believe she ought to change genders in 2011 and underwent “top surgery” in 2014, paying $5,000.
Speaking on the surgery in which her breasts were removed, Wiliams said, “It was really liberating. I never could have anticipated what a relief it would be to find them gone. It was a huge weight off my shoulders.”
In 2017, Williams met Malik, who would become “his” future husband, and the two were married in 2019. Following their marriage, the couple made the decision to start a family and deliberated over the many alternatives available to them. Williams discontinued testosterone hormone medication, which “he” had been taking for several years in order to allow “his” ovaries to operate properly. Since “he” only had top surgery, Williams decided eventually that “he” was comfortable with trying to conceive a child.
Williams fell pregnant shortly after the pair began trying and had a good pregnancy. The baby, Hudson, was born through cesarean section. Williams stated that the only issue “he” had during his whole pregnancy was the continual misgendering “he” experienced when seeking medical attention.
Williams said this to the NY Post: “The only thing that made me dysphoric about my pregnancy was the misgendering that happened to me when I was getting medical care for my pregnancy. The business of pregnancy — and yes, I say business, because the entire institution of pregnancy care in America is centred around selling this concept of ‘motherhood’ — is so intertwined with the gender that it was hard to escape being misgendered.”
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