Twitter Suspends Data Analyst’s Account Who Testified About Voter Fraud In Arizona — It Also Suspended The Account Of A Witness In PA

Twitter has suspended the account belonging to data analyst Bobby Piton, on the same day that he testified about voting fraud at an election integrity hearing in Phoenix before state GOP lawmakers.

Various reports said the social media blacklisted his account while he made his testimony during a state hearing where he alleged that up to 300,000 fake people voted in the Arizona election.

“BREAKING – Twitter suspends the account of @bobbypiton while a gave his witness report at the hearings in #Arizona,” one agency wrote.

During the hearing, Piton said if he was the one in charge of certifying Arizona’s election results, he would “rather resign” than do so citing the voting irregularities in the state which he swore his life on.

“If I was an executive at a publicly traded company, I would never sign that, because I risk jail time and having all my money taken from me in lawsuits. So, to answer your question, I would never, ever, have certified. I’d rather resign than certify those results,” Piton told the hearing which was attended by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and his legal adviser Jenna Ellis.

During the hearing, Piton, an investment adviser and managing partner at Pre-Active Investments, LLC, made the claim of voter irregularities after analyzing government voter registration and census data, and said what happened was the “biggest fraud in the history of our constitutional republic is taking place right before our eyes.”

“I believe they’re fraudulent based on the data, and my sister asked me a simple question this morning, she goes ‘how sure are you?’… And I said, I’d be willing to put my life on it. I’m that sure about my analysis, assuming that the data that I got, from the state and everything else was accurate,” Piton said.

“Expert witness says he believes the numbers in Arizona are fraudulent based on the data: “I’d rather resign than have certified those results” in Arizona today,” Team trump wrote on Monday.

While the hearing was ongoing, Arizona officials went on to certify the election results giving Democratic nominee Joe Biden 49.4% of the votes against incumbent President Trump who got 49.1% of the state’s 3.2 million turnout.

President Trump reposted a tweet about Piton’s account getting suspended for testifying why he would never have certified Arizona’s results.

Piton’s Twitter account remains suspended with only a short note on his page from the social media platform saying his account “violated Twitter rules” without elaborating.

TheBlaze reported, however, that Piton’s account was “permanently suspended for violating Twitter Rules on Platform Manipulation and Spam” — without specifying which rule was violated.

The suspension of Piton’s Twitter account came a few days after Twitter also suspended the account of Pennsylvania state senator Doug Mastriano, who testified at that state’s election hearing.

“This censorship is unacceptable in America. A nation that I served for most of my adult life,” the Pennsylvania senator wrote.

“The point of Twitter suspending this personal account is to prevent me from posting to my Senate account— to silence our voice.”

President Trump also earlier called out the social media for suspending  the account of state senator Mastriano.

“Wow! Twitter bans highly respected Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano after he did a great job of leading a hearing on the 2020 Election fraud. They and the Fake News, working together, want to SILENCE THE TRUTH. Can’t let that happen. This is what Communist countries do!”

Twitter later on revoked the suspension through a statement: “This account was mistakenly suspended for perceived violations of our impersonation policy. This was an error. We have immediately reversed the decision and the account has been reinstated.”

Forbes reported that half of President Trump’s social media posts on both Facebook and Twitter since election day have also been labeled as “false” or “questionable” by the social media giants — raising questions of censorship among conservatives and supporters of the incumbent Republican president.

Steeve Strange

Steeve is the CEO & Co-Founder of The Scoop.