Vice Claims ‘So Many’ Marines Are Neo-Nazis, Gets Called Out By Meghan McCain: “Go F*** Yourselves”

On the same day when at least 12 U.S. service members were killed by Taliban Insurrectionists in Afghanistan, Vice media published a story titled, “Why Are So Many Marines Neo-Nazis?”

Meghan McCain, daughter of the late Sen. John McCain, blasted the story on Twitter, bluntly tweeting, “Go f*** yourselves.”

The USMC was the first military branch to prohibit the Confederate flag from its bases.

The tweet from Vice, which linked to the article, has since mysteriously been wiped.

The Vice article tried to paint a narrative about U.S. Marines and their alleged ties to “far-right” politics and “neo-Nazism.”

“The Corps reported to NPR in April that it had, in ​​the past three years alone, found 16 cases of extremism within its ranks,” Vice reported. According to an NPR report, the 16 “ties” to “extremism” were linked “mostly” to “postings on social media.”

“Though these numbers account for only a tiny fraction of those Marines who enlist and serve,” Vice said, before mentioning that “the problem is worth noting, especially given the USMC’s past.”

The piece then said, “at least seven former Marines have openly avowed or been identified with neo-Nazism or the extreme right, with some allegedly involved in planned terrorist acts.”

The phrase “extreme right” is not defined, but just used as a buzzword to invoke fear in readers of a racist takeover of the Marines.

McCain, who has also written criticisms about President Donald Trump in the past, slammed Joe Biden over the Afghanistan Withdrawal Crisis.

Last week, McCain wrote the following on her Instagram page:

“I have been physically ill, more depressed than I have been since the beginning stages of the pandemic and filled with nothing short of pure rage and anger since the calamity of a ‘pull out’ which will be seen as one of the greatest foreign policy catastrophes of my lifetime.”

“I am furious our President was so incompetent not to see what every expert on the planet could have seen coming. I am furious for my friends and family who have been fighting in these wars since I was 16 (many who have lost limbs, had their life terrorized by PTSD from their experiences in war and deployments, or worse).”

“I am furious seeing our allies and innocent Afghan citizens who trusted us are being left to be slaughtered or so desperate to escape the pure evil the Taliban will bring in that they are falling out off***king planes.”

“This is not who America is; this is not the values this country was founded in. Our veterans deserve better; the innocent Afghan people and our allies and translators who have stood by us for the past 20 years deserve better. The shame, dishonor and embarrassment the Biden administration has brought to our country will take generations to undo. Not to mention our standing in the world and the cruel reality that the likelihood of another significant domestic terror attack has now risen to the highest levels since 9/11 and will usher in ISIS 3.0. — I could say so much more (and have been raging on Twitter), but please reach out to your veteran friends and their families — everyone I know is struggling. May God have mercy for what we have done to these people abandoning them.”

“Biden is unfit to lead and I am nothing short of disgusted that he and his staff can’t seem to be bothered to leave their vacation during an international crisis of our own creation.”

“There should be an emergency congressional hearing before more innocent lives are lost. My heart is broken, this tragedy will absolutely haunt our country. Also — every single Afghan refugee fleeing must be granted a safe haven in America!”


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Steeve Strange

Steeve is the CEO & Co-Founder of The Scoop.