Video: Abraham Lincoln Statue Vandalized By Alleged Native American Activists Over Columbus Day Weekend

BENNINGTON, Vermont – Police in Bennington are searching for the individual or persons responsible for vandalizing an Abraham Lincoln statue over Columbus Day weekend.

The statue, which is located outside the Bennington Museum, honors the abolition of slavery.

In red, the graffiti depicts the number 38. According to police, it’s a reference to the Dakota 38, when Lincoln ordered the hanging of 38 Native American men.

Additionally, vandals erected a placard reading “Land Back.”

The museum’s staff estimates that removing the paint will cost thousands of dollars.

Anyone with information is asked to call Officer Amanda Knox at Bennington Police: (802) 442-1030, or contact her at

Watch the video below:

Steeve Strange

Steeve is the CEO & Co-Founder of The Scoop.