Governor Youngkin Mandates All Paper Ballots for Presidential Elections in Virginia

In a bold move to safeguard election integrity, Virginia Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin has mandated that all votes for the 2024 presidential election be cast using paper ballots. That’s right, no more electronic voting machines! This groundbreaking decision was solidified with the issuance of Executive Order 35, which enforces strict election security protocols across the Commonwealth.

Governor Youngkin: “Virginia’s Model for Election Security Works!”

Governor Youngkin made it clear: “The Virginia model for Election Security works. This isn’t a Democrat or Republican issue, it’s an American and Virginian issue. Every legal vote deserves to be counted without being watered down by illegal votes or inaccurate machines. In Virginia, we don’t play games, and our model for election security is working.”

The Secure Path Forward: Paper Ballots and More

So, what does this mean for Virginians? The most notable change is the exclusive use of paper ballots, ensuring every vote has a traceable chain of custody. Unlike those vulnerable electronic machines, paper ballots offer a concrete record of votes cast.

Other security measures include:

Offline Counting Machines: These are tested before every election and never connected to the internet.

Monitored Drop Boxes: Under 24/7 surveillance to prevent tampering.

Voter Identity Verification: Using DMV data and other trusted sources to keep voter rolls accurate and up-to-date, removing ineligible voters like the deceased, those who have moved, and non-citizens.

Governor Youngkin emphasized, “We verify the legal presence and identity of voters using DMV data and other trusted data sources to update our voter rolls daily, not only adding new voters but scrubbing the lists to remove those that should not be on it.”

President Trump Applauds Youngkin’s Leadership

Former President Trump has thrown his full support behind these measures, praising Governor Youngkin on Truth Social: “The beautiful Commonwealth of Virginia, superbly led by Governor Glenn Youngkin, IS TAKING A STRONG LEAD IN SECURING THE ELECTION IN NOVEMBER — PROTECTING EVERY LEGAL VOTE AND KEEPING ILLEGAL ALIENS THAT HAVE BEEN LET INTO OUR COUNTRY FROM VOTING. All votes will be on paper ballots and counted safely and fairly, not by machines connected to the internet — A big security risk.”

Trump continued, “We must work hard to make sure the Election is FAIR and SECURE!!! EVERY STATE SHOULD FOLLOW VIRGINIA’S LEAD. We need volunteers to watch the polls – So important. The Election on November 5th will be the MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION IN OUR COUNTRY’S HISTORY. Thank you, Glenn, GREAT JOB!!!”

What Does This Mean for You?

Virginia is setting the standard for election security, ensuring that every legal vote counts and illegal votes are kept out. This is a massive win for those who believe in fair and transparent elections. If you care about the integrity of our voting process, it’s time to get involved and support these measures.

Stay tuned as more states consider following Virginia’s lead in the fight to secure our elections!

Steeve Strange

Steeve is the CEO & Co-Founder of The Scoop.