(WATCH) Biden Foolishly Reads Directly From Teleprompter, Says ‘End Of Quote’ (VIDEO)

During a speech on rising gas costs, President Biden looked uncomfortable, as he accidentally began reading technical instructions off his teleprompter.

Biden said, “Because of the actions we’ve taken, things have begun to change,”

Biden foolishly said, “End of quote,” before moving on to his next statement.

This happened during a speech about rising gas costs and the economy, which also included a Thanksgiving message from the President.

“I want you to know how grateful I am to serve as your president,” he said. “And I promise you that I’ll never stop working to address your family’s needs. And together we’re going to face challenges. We’re going to face them honestly. And that we’ll keep building this economy around hardworking folks who built this country. Happy Thanksgiving, and may God bless you, and may God protect our troops.”

Later, Biden informed the press that he needed to depart to assist at a soup kitchen and that he would not be taking questions, causing one reporter to shout out, “When will you answer our questions?”

The Biden administration has been subjected to frequent criticisms that the president is not in command of his communications. In September, Biden’s briefing on wildfires with federal and state officials in Boise, Idaho, was cut short suddenly by the White House during a live broadcast.

President Biden’s microphone feed was interrupted during a press conference in August, just as the president was about to answer a reporter’s question concerning his administration’s military pullout timeline from Afghanistan.

Also in March, the White House turned down Biden’s live stream after the President stated that he was “happy to take questions” when speaking to Democratic legislators via video conference.

Stay tuned to The Scoop for any updates.