WATCH: Biden Gets Greeted By Protestors Chanting “F*ck Joe Biden” In Chicago (VIDEO)

Maybe Chicago is actually “MAGA country” like Jussie Smollet said…

On the way to Elk Grove Village, where President Joe Biden was set to speak on Thursday, Daniel Williams, a reporter from the Chicago region, is showing what the streets looked like:

Trucks honked their support to the crowd as they passed by the protestors along the route.

A video was also taken by Univision’s Mariano Gielis of the protestors, who included someone holding a placard that said “Let’s go Brandon.”

Some were more outspoken in their support for Brandon, including:

To refresh your memory, many of those opposing the president have adopted the straightforward, honest and emotive phrase “f*** Joe Biden” as their rallying cry.

This is the president who we were told was going to bring us together, who is supposed to put balm on our collective wounds as a country.

His vaccination mandate, if it ever becomes law (the expected Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulation under which the requirement is meant to operate has yet to be released), would only serve to increase the number of protesters. Other pressures, such as the sluggish rate of job creation and economic development, will also increase.