(WATCH) Biden Signs Bill Carelessly, ‘I’m Not Going to Read It All, I’ll Just Sign It’ (VIDEO)

President Biden has been ridiculed across social media after footage was released of him signing a bill, after saying, “I’m not going to read it all, I’ll just sign it”

“Here we go… Amend, titled… Well… I’m not going to read it all… I’ll just sign it,” said the President during the bill signing at the White House.

The video was released at the same time that a federal judge in Texas struck down the President’s vaccination mandate for healthcare employees in ten different states.

District Judge Matthew Schelp. said this in his 32-page order released Monday: “The scale falls clearly in favor of healthcare facilities operating with some unvaccinated employees, staff, trainees, students, volunteers, and contractors, rather than the swift, irremediable impact of requiring healthcare facilities to choose between two undesirable choices — providing substandard care or providing no healthcare at all”.

Schelp continued, “Congress did not clearly authorize CMS to enact this politically and economically vast, federalism-altering, and boundary-pushing mandate, which Supreme Court precedent requires”.

Biden’s presidency has been full of awkward moments where Biden seems confused. Filming a video in his Delaware basement back in July, Biden was rambling on and admitted he is “taking too much time” to get to the point.

Biden awkwardly talked on and on about what seems to be a speech of encouragement for Americans: “I believe this with every fiber of my being… We’re posed, what I’ve proposed, it can be done, I think we’re in a position to really make it happen!”

“Critical laws… On politics, look, yes, I’m taking too much time,” he added.

He also released a video this weekend, warning the country about dangers that could come from “four more years” of “George”. It is unclear who “George” is.

President Biden, sitting by his wife, said, “Four more years of George, uh, he uh, we’re going to find ourselves in a position where that if Trump is gets elected we’re going to be in a different world!”