(WATCH) CBC News Reporters Booed, Chased Away By Canadian Protestors Chanting ‘Fake News’ (VIDEO)

CBC News reporters attempting to cover the Ottawa freedom protest were chased away by furious protestors. A mob of Canadians chased away the reporters, calling them “scumbags” and chanting “fake news”. Others joined in by booing.

Social media users supported the protestors’ actions against CBC. One user commented, “The cbc has had a big part in supporting the false and destructive Trudeau narrative. Independent news was arrested and thrown out. The cbc deserves the same treatment. CBC news is biased towards the establishment elite. They only report for one side and tell half the story.”

Another Twitter user said, “When Ottawa Police said “we’re gonna smash up this protest, journalists keep away or we’ll smash you up too”, CBC complied, then turned up to the Police press briefing to hear the official version of the events they didn’t see, then parroted that version. That’s not journalism.”

One individual said that the Canadian people have had “ENOUGH” of the mainstream media, saying, “Wow! CBC looks genuinely afraid and intimidated. Peaceful mainstream Canadians seem to be sick of the lying and malicious division tactics undertaken by MSM over the recent months. Deep wounds have been created. People are saying ENOUGH.”

Stay tuned to The Scoop for any updates.