(WATCH) Democrat Lawmaker Compares Refusing To Wear Mask In Elevator To January 6th (VIDEO)

Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) expressed dissatisfaction with members of Congress who refused to wear masks in elevators, however, she did not identify their specific names.

Jayapal also argued their mask refusal was “intolerable” in the workplace and that it undermines “our democracy” before she compared it to the January 6th protest.

“This is where the lack of civility has come to in the United States Congress,” Jayapal said. “And I think it is a massive problem. It undermines our ability to get work done, and it is intolerable in a workplace where we are going to work to do the work of the American people.”

“And also, let me just remind your viewers that this was about wearing a mask, which is mandated in the Capitol. It is mandated in the Capitol, and it is to protect our safety — our collective safety, the safety of our staffers,” Jayapal continued. “And so the idea that — and this has happened to me — where you would get on an elevator and people refuse to wear a mask, and your choices are to either get off the elevator or to get on the elevator and to tell them to wear a mask.”

“That should not be a problem in the United States Congress. I really believe that our colleagues who refuse to even adhere to the basic norms of civility are undermining our democracy, and of course we’re seeing it in all kinds of even more serious ways like the January 6th insurrection is just part of that and part of the attempt to take down a legitimate democracy from functioning in the way it should,” she concluded.

Watch the video below.

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