(WATCH) Good Samaritan Attacked After Giving Coat To Homeless Man In NYC (VIDEO)

A good Samaritan was assaulted and robbed on a Midtown sidewalk after he offered a homeless man his coat, according to security video footage captured on Wednesday morning.

According to various sources, the bizarre chain of events began at around 8:40 a.m. when the victim, a 59-year-old man, attempted to assist Xavier Israel, 25, who was laying on a sidewalk in front of 476 Fifth Avenue.

According to video acquired by The Washington Post, moments after the victim gently covers Israel with his jacket, Israel leaps to his feet and seems to force the man to the ground before stealing the wallet from his rear pants pocket.

The victim attempts unsuccessfully to get his wallet back, but the suspect strikes him in the face and pushes him on the ground.

Police charged Israel with multiple offenses, including assault, robbery, and grand larceny.

The victim declined medical treatment on the scene.

Wednesday’s attack may not have been Israel’s only attack that week.

According to reports, Israel is suspected of assaulting a 49-year-old lady who attempted to help him outside a building on East 81st Street in the Upper East Side on Saturday.

The woman was allegedly thrown to the ground and suffered an injury to her elbow as a result of the fall. Israel was detained and charged with assault before being released on a desk appearance ticket.

Also, sources say Israel assaulted an 19-year-old man and woman on January 2nd in Central Park. Israel allegedly ranodmly punched the young adults as they sat on a rock in the park.

Stay tuned to The Scoop for any updates.