(WATCH) Joy Behar Erupts, Calls For Trump To Be Removed From Presidents’ Day (VIDEO)

Speaking on ABC’s ‘The View’ this morning, Leftist Joy Behar told the co-hosts that Presidents’ Day should not be honoring “losers” such as Donald Trump or Richard Nixon.

Whoopi Goldberg chimed in, saying, “Today is Presidents’ Day, but not everybody is on board with it. There’s an op-ed calling to take it off the calendar, claiming that most people aren’t even sure what they’re celebrating. It used to honor Presidents Washington and Lincoln, but it expanded to all presidents depending on what state you’re in.”

Behar responded, “I think it’s a good day to buy a mattress, and also maybe toiletries now that we have the president that…that would be like ‘Oh, it’s Donald Trump day, let’s buy a toilet.’”

Co-host Suny Hostin agreed, adding, “I like that!”

Behar continued, “Why do we include some of these losers like Trump and Nixon, for example, or this guy Johnson who came after Lincoln?”

Another co-host, Ana Navarro said, “My presidents’ day includes George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. April Fool’s Day will be for Trump.”

Mainstream media giant Politico also called for the “canceling” of Presidents’ Day because of Trump:

Which brings us back to the day: What’s the problem with Presidents Day?

The superficial problem is it a confection. In federal law, the holiday is still designated as “Washington’s Birthday.” It is a fluke of the calendar that the first president’s birthday, February 22, falls so close to the birthday of Lincoln’s, February 12.

This, combined with the wishes of car dealers and mattress sellers, led to people transforming the holiday on the third Monday in February as an all-purpose “Presidents Day.”

The name suggests we honor Lincoln and Washington no less than Richard Nixon or Warren G. Harding or Donald Trump.

This hints at the more profound problem. A democracy really shouldn’t be mythologizing presidents at all. From the left it seems obvious that we don’t need a holiday honoring 46 presidents, all of them men.

From the right it seems obvious that we don’t need to be honoring the aggrandizement of Washington-based politicians.

Yes, by all means let’s keep a day off to reflect on lessons of the American past. But let’s make this about real history — an invitation to humility and renewed commitment to national purpose — rather than mythological history, an invitation to arrogance and complacency. A better name would be Citizens Day.

It seems likely Lincoln himself would agree.

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