WATCH: Kamala Harris Claims She Pushed Taxpayer-Funded Gender Reassignment Surgery For Inmates (VIDEO)

As Attorney General, Kamala Harris claims that she helped push for taxpayer-funded gender reassignment surgeries for California inmates.

In 2015, Harris defended the California corrections department in a case regarding gender reassignment surgeries for inmates as ‘necessary’. The outcome of the case allowed for convicted murderer Shiloh Quine to receive gender reassignment surgery.

Harris stated, “I worked behind the scenes to not only make sure that that transgender woman got the services she was deserving. So it wasn’t only about that case. I made sure that they changed the policy in the State of California so that every transgender inmate in the prison system would have access to the medical care that they desired and need.”

In an interview with the same foundation, Harris’ running mate Joe Biden called it a ‘sin’ for Christians, Muslims and Jews to not accept transgender people.

The foundation interviewer questioned, “You know, I know there’s lots of other people of faith who use their faith to try to justify discrimination against transgender people. What would you tell folks like that?”

Biden answered, “I tell em’, look, it’s totally inconsistent. If you’re whether you’re a Christian and Muslim, a Jew. Whatever your background is, the fact of the matter is that all the confessional faiths all talk about the need to treat people. What the Lord said, you know. What you’re doing to least of my children you’re doing to me. I mean, we’re all God’s children. “

Biden continued, “What? Who is to say that? Somebody who is the judge whether or not if you’re lesbian, gay, trans, queer? I mean, who is to make that judgment? Especially if it’s done from your heart. Look, I mean, we know so little about how the brain functions. We know so little about how human nature is organized itself within an individual. The idea that somebody can tell you that you can’t be who you are in your heart, your soul is just wrong. That’s the sin. The sin is not being LGBTQ.”

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