WATCH: Medal Of Honor Recipient Gives Fiery Speech About The Power Of The United States Military

Former Army Staff Sgt. David G. Bellavia, a Medal of Honor recipient, gave an inspiring speech during his induction to the Pentagon Hall of Heroes.

Staff Sgt. Bellavia gave recognition to his fellow soldiers in other military branches for their dedication to work as a cohesive force against enemies of the U.S.

Former Army Staff Sgt. David G. Bellavia

“We honor our brothers and sisters in the United States Marine Corps,” Bellavia said. “Anbar Province was their fight. Men like Brad Castle, Rafael Peralta, Christopher Applesberger, Brian Chontosh, Jeremiah Workman, Sergeant Craft. They gave the enemy everything they could handle.”

Bellavia also gave a unifying message for Americans while sending a warning message for enemies of the U.S.

“Our military should not be mistaken for a cable news gabfest show. We don’t care what you look like,” said Mr. Bellavia. “We don’t care who you voted for, who you worship, what you worship, who you love. It doesn’t matter if your dad left you millions when he died or if he knew who your father was. We have been honed into a machine of lethal moving parts that you would be wise to avoid if you know what’s good for you. We will not be intimidated. We will not back down. We’ve seen war. We don’t want war. But if you want war with the United States of America, there’s one thing I can promise you. So help me God. Someone else will raise your sons and daughters.

Bellavia’s message echoed President Trump’s remarks during Bellavia’s Medal of Honor ceremony.

Staff Sgt. David G. Bellavia receives Congressional Medal of Honor from President Trump

“David often tells young people Americans don’t want to fight, but if someone picks a fight with us, we will always win because we don’t fight for awards or recognition,” said President Trump about Mr. Bellavia.

Mr. Bellavi’s speech has recently gone viral as tensions between the United States and Iran have increased.


Steeve Strange

Steeve is the CEO & Co-Founder of The Scoop.