(WATCH) Obama Makes Fun Of Biden During White House Speech, Calls Him ‘Vice President’ (VIDEO)
Speaking on the anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, former President Barack Obama spoke at the White House on Tuesday.
When taking the podium, Obama addressed Biden as the vice president, saying, “thank you Vice President Biden.”
Obama made fun of Biden for his sunglasses style and ice cream obsession while also expressing his gratitude for being in the White House again.
The former president said, “Coming back here gives me a chance to say thank you and gives me a chance to spend some time with an extraordinary friend and partner who was by my side for eight years. Joe Biden and I did a lot together. We helped save the global economy, made record investments in clean energy, we put guardrails on our financial system, we helped turn the auto industry around, repealed don’t ask/don’t tell. But nothing made me prouder than providing better healthcare and protections for millions of people across this country.”
He took aim at Republicans, saying, “it’s fair to say a lot of Republicans showed little interest in working with us to get things done.”
Obama continued, “But despite great odds, Joe and I were determined because we met too many people on the campaign trail who shared their stories.”
WATCH the full video below:
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