(WATCH) Pissed Off Grandmother Confronts Suspected Shoplifter, Physically Pulls Off His Mask And Berates Him (VIDEO)

A senior citizen is being praised as a hero and legend after she prevented a thief from shoplifting and removed his mask at a Walmart Saturday afternoon in Campbell River, Canada

In a video captured by Campbell River resident Darrell Johansen and widely shared on social media, the senior, who has not been identified, first blocks the thief’s exit before tearing off his balaclava, revealing his face, and then ensuring that the entire cart of stolen goods does not leave the store.

“I’m fed up with this”, the citizen can be heard saying to the thief, before berating him with a few choice words. Afterward, the man removes what looks to be his own rucksack from the cart and backs away on his bicycle.

An epidemic of thefts has taken place at this Walmart; on December 7, a security guard was wounded after intervening in a crime.

People’s reactions to the video have ranged from “Grammy wasn’t playing around” to the quintessentially Canadian “Wow, grandma damn near Jersey’d him!” — a reference to pulling a hockey jersey over someone’s head before throwing punches — to concerns for her safety and questions about why anyone would intervene to save a few dollars at Walmart.

Johansen wrote in his own post, which included the footage, that he has been advised that Walmart personnel are not permitted to intervene, but that the company needs to restore order in the store.

He said, “There’s nothing preventing private citizens from jumping in but it’s probably not recommended given the unfortunate incident that happened at our Walmart here a few months ago with that security guard getting stabbed.”

According to Johansen, he is also fed up with this type of crime and had spotted the would-be thief in the store and assumed he was ready to run away when he approached him.

“Whoever that lady is that ripped his mask off, I’ll take you as my partner in crime fighting anytime,” he said.

Johansen reported the event to the Campbell River RCMP, who informed him that until Walmart makes a claim, nothing will be done about the incident.

Stay tuned to The Scoop for any updates.