(WATCH) Tim Dillon Rips The Media For Ignoring And Distorting The Waukesha Massacre (VIDEO)
Comedian Tim Dillon ripped into the media over their coverage of the Waukesha massacre in a recent podcast.
In his latest episode of “The Tim Dillon Show”, the popular comedian mocked the media’s narrative on the event, claiming the media acted as if the massacre had no human role in it.
Dillon said, “We had the Waukesha massacre where the SUV that was not being driven – it was a self-driving SUV – killed all those people. No, it was a black guy steeped in anti-white kind of racist language, right…The mainstream narrative is that a car decided to mow over children in Wisconsin.”
He continued, “The guy, from what I know, seemed to be a radical and the ideology that radicalized him was an ideology that was kind of like dehumanizing to white people. Like white people are all out to get you, evil, trying to kill you. Well, if you say that, about any group of people and somebody believes it, they’re going to do horrible things like drive a car through a parade. Now, it’s not popular with the media because the media likes to play footsy every now and then with that ideology as well.”
Another comedian, Andrew Schulz, expressed his frustration over the media’s coverage of the event and how the Kyle Rittenhouise incident was framed.
In an interview with comedien Charlamagne, Schulz said:
“The f**king news propaganda that we digest all the time to sell clicks and it’s easy for Hollywood celebrities to look woke and supportive by tweeting about it. This is why [the Rittenhouse trial] is a news story. The same why it’s not a news story when that dude ran over a bunch of people in Waukesha. Nobody f**king talking about that. The dude literally just targeted people, hit them with a f**king car and people were already, like, finding ways to make it seem like it wasn’t his fault. It’s not even a news story. None of these f**king Hollywood celebrities are tweeting about it. Every Hollywood celebrity and their mother had tweet about Kyle Rittenhouse, right, because it was the right thing to say and it gives you tons of woke points and clout points, and all these motherf**king news stories can run the article, ‘White kid goes to Black Lives Matter march with an AR-15.’ It’s perfect for clicks. It gets everyone stirred up. Then, you got a situation where a dude killed six people. More people dead. More total people dead. All his fault. Terroristic attack. If that dude was Muslim, we’d call it a terror attack. You know that…I’m just tired of these Hollywood motherf**kers and I’m tired of news agencies acting like they want f**king justice, when all you want is ad revenue and and all you want is f**king clout. So, shut your mouth.”
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