Rep. Gaetz SHREDS Congress And Their “Forever War Lobby”

Congressman Matt Gaetz, R-Florida speaks out against the NDAA and his care for American troops.

Rep. Gaetz stated, “America’s fighting men and women are so precious that they should not have to die in some failed state in some faraway land that most Americans can’t even point to on a map, so that defense contractors can extend our involvement in these wars so that Lobbyists can get rich and that members of Congress can get reelected.”

The congressman calls out the bill being hijacked by the ‘forever war lobby’ and how this bill puts barriers in the way of an administration who would want to bring troops home and ‘put America first’.

Rep Gaetz also shared, “This legislation has become too swampy, it does good things to ensure that America can vanquish any foot on the battlefield but we should only fight when that fight is just and proper we’ve spent two decades trading the same villages back-and-forth in Afghanistan.”

Gaetz believes that the administration who leads our country should be able to work by being able to bring troops home but this bill would prevent that.